Crop Report Update Number 7 2024

Crop Report Update Number 7 2024

Updated Thursday 2nd May 2024
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Winter wheat

Winter Wheat 

Winter wheat crops are approaching leaf 3 fully emerged on most crops and so are due a fungicide over the coming week. 

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Winter Oilseed Rape

Winter Oilseed Rape

Crops are in full flower at the moment with crops from early to mid petal fall.  A few issues have appeared with leaning crops and many crops are shorter this year than normal. 

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Winter Barley

Winter Barley

Most crops are at flag leaf stage and the final opportunity for applying a PGR is fast approaching. Generally speaking cops are relatively free from disease. There are reports of septoria nodorum in Tardis. Joyau is almost at awns emerged so the final fungicide will be due next week.

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Winter Oats

Winter Oats

Crops have been growing quickly over the last week or so with the increase in temperatures and a response to nitrogen driving crops through the growth stages. Disease levels are low but the second PGR where needed is now due.

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Spring Cereals

Spring Cereals

Great progress has been made with the planting of spring cereals in the last 10 days with over 85% sown in parts of the south. However reports from the north east suggest that only 50% of the intended area is sown to date. 

Seed rates for spring barley need to be in excess of 320 plants/m2 from now on with a large proportion of nitrogen incorporated in the seed bed.  

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