Crop Report Update Number 8 2024

Crop Report Update Number 8 2024

Updated Wednesday 8th May 2024
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Winter Barley

Winter Barley

Most early/mid October sown crops are at the correct timing of awn emergence for final fungicide this week. Disease levels are low despite wet weather this spring and both rhyncosporium and net blotch have been well controlled. Septoria nodorum is common at the base of many crops, especially Tardis, but this does't normally doesn't reach the upper canopy to cause any yield penalty. Mildew is present in some crops of Integral. Ramularia is the target disease for the final fungicide timing. 

There are significant levels of BYDV in some crops as can be seen in the Carlow tramline trial in the picture below.

Significant level of BYDV in untreated tramline

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Winter Wheat

Winter Wheat

Earlier sown crops received their leaf three fungicide last week while crops sown in the second half of October/early November will have leaf three fully emerged later this week. Septoria levels are high especially in the south and there are some reports of yellow rust, mainly in the north east.  

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Spring Barley

Spring Barley

Most growers are finished planting spring barley in the south however there is still a significant proportion of spring barley to be planted in the northern half of the country or where land has been slower to dry out. Crops are emerging in 8 - 10 days and attention will soon move to control of BYDV and weed control. 

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Spring Beans

Reports from advisors and industry suggest that the bean area has held up this year. Yield expectations will be lower but the protein payment is an influencing factor. It is worth noting that advice from DAFM is that crops must be sown to a commercial stand with the aim of harvesting a crop to qualify for the protein payment.

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Maize area is expected to increase significantly in 2024 with some reports suggesting the area could increase by as much as 30%. Most of the increase will be in uncovered maize. 

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Spring Crop Walks

Spring Crop Walks

Teagasc are holding a series of crop walks during May. The discussion at the walks will centre on adapting crop management for late sown crops this spring. 

Teagasc spring crop walks 2024



Planting of maincrop is approximately two to three weeks behind time with most growers somewhere between 10 and 50 % planted. Nationally there is approximately 25-30% planted. Early planted crops will emerge over the coming weeks and weed control will be necessary.

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