Organic Manures

Organic Manures

Updated Friday 8th March 2024
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Organic manure tables

Organic manures

Organic manures are a valuable source of N, P, K, Mg, S, Ca & minor nutrients such as Cu, Mn & Zn.  They also contain significant quantities of organic matter and carbon depending on the type of manure applied.  For example low dry matter liquid manures (pig slurry) will not supply as much organic matter / carbon compared to a high dry matter manure such as FYM or spent mushroom compost.

Current fertiliser prices dictate organic manures offer savings in chemical fertiliser costs. For example an application of 25 m3/ha of cattle slurry can reduce costs by €~115/ha in N, P & K. 

When working with organic manures ideally have manures analysed to determine there nutrient values plus there dry matter %.  For example there are fresh organic manure products coming from poultry manure and there nutrient values are reported on a fresh weight basis.  In addition there is poultry manures and other organic fertilisers that are processed for example dried and therefore the final nutrient values will be higher compared to the fresh manures.  This can be confusing when values are compared to standard / typical organic manure values as reported in this report.

Therefore also check manure analysis and dry matter % to ensure application rates are adjusted based on the product been applied.  For example SoilWorx Nautural Fertilisers produce a drier layer manure with a DM% 90% + and has a higher nutrient concentration compared to fresh broiler manure. 

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