Spring Oilseed Rape Reference Guide

Spring Oilseed Rape Reference Guide

Updated Thursday 1st August 2024
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Spring oilseed rape

Spring Oilseed Rape

Planting of spring oilseed raps has hovered from 500 to 2000 hectares.  The crops struggles to consistently deliver the same level of profitability compared to other crops.  However it can be a useful spring break crop but will only perform well when planted on good soils and in good time (early April or before) 

Table 1; Annual area
Year 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Area (Ha) 1,340 2,250 2,110 1,809 497 1,607 1,195 1,255 934

Source CSO.ie

The yield of spring oilseed rape generally ranges from 2.5 t/ha to 3.25 t/ha. 

Teagasc costs and returns has details on growing costs and financial returns for spring oilseed rape 


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