Crop Report Update Number 10 2024

Crop Report Update Number 10 2024

Updated Tuesday 11th June 2024
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Spring Barley

Spring Barley

Late April sown crops are at GS 37-39. After a good start spring barley has hit a bump in the road in the last week. Many crops are off colour as compaction issues start to show. Other issues reported are  BYDV and leaf scorch from herbicide and fungicide application. Disease levels are low expect for Planet where net blotch remains challenging. Attention will turn to the awn emergence fungicide where ramularia will be the target for all varieties. 

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Winter Barley

Winter Barley

All actions are now finished on winter barley except for rogueing of grass weeds. Crops are almost at the end of grain fill and are at their heaviest at the moment. Ramularia is starting to come into some crops especially where BYDV was evident earlier.

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Winter wheat

Winter Wheat

Winter wheat crops are now at mid-flowering stage in the October drilled crops with November drilled crops starting to flower. Disease levels are varying across the country with some crops very clean where leaf 3 and flag leaf applications were well timed, while those that missed the correct timings are somewhat dirtier.

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Spring Beans

Spring Beans

Late planted spring bean crops (the majority of crops) are progressing rapidly through the growth stages. The next three weeks will be vital for the crop during the important flowering stage but there has been enough moisture to alleviate any drought issues so far. Overall disease level is low with just a few reports of chocolate spot. Downy mildew has been reported is a small number of crops. 

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Planting is now complete for 2024 with crops emerging very quickly given the soil temperatures and day length. Weed control and and blight control are the main issues in crops at the moment.  Despite fears of a seed shortage, the area of potatoes planted looks to have increased by about 10%.  However given later planting this increased area may not result in increased tonnage of potatoes later in the year. 

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Spring Oilseed Rape

Spring Oilseed Rape

Crops are at stem extension stage now and will start to flower over the coming weeks. Now is a good time to control grass weeds if present before crops get too big.

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Fodder beet and Maize

Fodder beet and Maize

The area of fodder beet and maize has increased significantly in response to fodder scarcity. Both crops are suffering from slow growth as a result of cooler conditions. Weed control in beet and open maize is the priority at the moment. 

Reminder, this is the last year for Debut, use up date 20/08/2024. 

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Grassland weed control

Grassland weed control

Full details on grassland product availability and advice on weed control are available in the crop report. The Grassland weed control reference document has details on the new clover safe grassland herbicide Proclova

An emergency use has been granted for products containing 2,4 DB for use on Red Clover only. 

Herbicide resistance testing

Free herbicide resistance testing


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