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Farmers sign in hereBefore deciding on how to control a weed, first it must be accurately identified and its growth pattern and biology understood, this will enable you to develop the right strategy that will give you sustainable and cost effective control.
Grasses have many common characteristics that can be used to make an accurate identification. When identifying grass weeds look out for these main characteristics:
Using a guide such as the BAYER weed guide is a useful tool to help identify many of these weeds as it provides a structure to the identification process. See the picture below which uses plant features to identify the species.
Source: BAYER Weed Guide
There are many other characteristics which are less common and maybe more distinct to individual species such as a reddish/purple colour at the base of the stem or on the leaf sheath, characteristics of the leaves, such as colour and twists in the leaves. These are very useful to know but as there are many it is maybe not practical to be familiar with them all.
See here for more information
There are two types of wild oats. Avena fatua (Spring wild oat) and Avena sterilis (Winter wild oat). Fields generally have spring wild oats but occasionally fields can have a mix of spring and winter wild oats.
Identifying both species (See pictures here)
This is the most common type of wild oat in Ireland.
There is now confirmed Herbicide Resistance to most of the major herbicide types
Sterile brome is the most common grass weed of the brome family. However Soft, Great , Meadow and Rye brome are present in many Irish fields also.
Correct identification of these bromes is critical to achieving good control. Each brome has specific identifying characteristics with identification becoming easier when the plant is headed with mature seeds.
Sterile brome is the most widespread weed, found with a range of fertile soils throughout Ireland.
Sterile brome is native and widespread in Ireland. It’s not hard to recognise as its familiar purple, drooping heads are seen towering above cereal crops and around hedges each June and July. It’s an annual grass weed which means a plant must germinate from a seed every year. Its natural habitat includes verges, field headlands and waste ground. It grows freely on waste or cultivated land on well-drained soils. It is competitive in winter wheat and winter oilseed Rape. It can cause a yield reduction in wheat of 2.4% with just 3 plants/m2. It is increasing problematic on arable land that is in continuous cereals especially winter barley where herbicides options are minimal. Brome has no auricles.
Scientific classification:
Kingdom |
Plantae |
Family |
Poaceae |
Genus |
Bromus |
Species |
B.sterilis |
Key identification features
Sterile brome from a young plant has a hairy stem and leaves, it has a dense covering of hairs on the stem and leaf surface. It is easy to spot in barley crops due to its twisted slender leaf appearance; it is more difficult to distinguish from wheat crops due to the twisted leaf and slender leaf structure of the wheat plant. The key feature to look for is the hairs on the stem and leaf, a magnify glass is sometimes required to see the hairs especially on young plants. It helps to roll the leaf over your finger and hold it up to the light to see the surface of the leaf hairs.
It must be noted that all bromes have hairs so furthermore identification may be required, if possible finding the seed that the plant emerged from can be a good indicator but it is sometimes hard to differentiate between the different bromes.
The ligule is like a barcode for grass weeds, the ligule of each plant differs allowing for accurate identification. To find the ligule of a plant is quite simple, it can be seen at the stem where the leaf has the left the stem.
Key features
Seeds statistics;
Scientific classification
Kingdom | Plantae |
Family | Poaceae |
Genus | Bromus |
Species | B.diandrus |
Great brome has been found in some areas of Ireland but is not as dominant as sterile brome. However its often underreported partially due to mistakenly identified as sterile brome in some cases. Similar to sterile, great brome is found in field margins, waste ground and roadsides. It usually prefers a sandy soil and dunes.
Wild Oat (Avena fatua) herbicide resistance
Spring wild oat populations were tested for resistance to ACCase inhibitors pinoxaden (DEN or Axial) , propaquizafop (FOP or Falcon) and cycloxydim (DIM or Stratus Ultra) was investigated in populations of six Spring wild oats, Avena fatua collected from cereal-dominated rotations in Ireland.
Glasshouse assays confirmed reduced sensitivity to all three ACCase inhibitors in four of the populations tested. R1 population was cross-resistant to pinoxaden and propaquizafop and R6 was resistant to propaquizafop only.
Dose-response studies confirmed significant differences in resistance levels amongst these populations (P < 29 0.05).
In population R2, although the ED50 values to both pinoxaden and cycloxydim and additionally, population R3 to cycloxydim, were above recommended field rates, their GR50 values remained below, suggesting a shift towards cross resistance.
While population R4 was the only population, where both ED50 and GR50 for all ACCase inhibitors remained below recommended field rates, but they would not give effective control at these rates, strongly indicating evolving resistance.
This is the first study reporting variable cross-resistance types and levels to ACCase inhibitors in A. fatua from Ireland.
The full results are available here
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Arable grass margins are areas from 1.5 - 3 meters between the main crop and the field boundary deliberately managed to (a) provide habitat for flora and farmland wildlife species, (b) add biodiversity value and ecosystem services, (c) protect water quality, and (d) most importantly, compete with problematic grass weeds like sterile brome, which are increasingly problematic along field boundaries and invading into fields. Control of sterile brome in margins/hedges by total weed control or selective graminicides have controlled competitive species and allowed bromes to flourish rather than decreasing their incidence. Continuous mowing encourages seeding at lower levels. Teagasc Oak Park have demonstrated that a margin specifically sown with competitive perennial grasses when properly managed, provides competition for the sterile brome by preventing their regrowth, and therefore seed return. Click on the picture below to read more.
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Glyphosate is a non-selective herbicide used to control annual and perennial weeds. Worldwide over 50 species of weeds have had populations with glyphosate resistance. In Europe, glyphosate resistance has typically been selected in permanent perennial crops such as orchards and vineyards.
Glyphosate-resistant ryegrass populations have also been found in cereal crops in Italy.
Glyphosate, when applied correctly, remains an essential component of integrated weed management (IWM), preventing challenging grass weeds taking over fields. It is particularly relied upon in stale seedbed systems which are essential for any non-inversion tillage system and is good practice in plough-based systems too.
Glyphosate rates and application timings are critical in avoiding resistance build-up.
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